Trusted by thousands of growing indie brands

Get the most out of each
Shopper with LimeSpot

Create Individualized Experiences

Intelligent Shopify product recommendations
Reduce your time-to-market by plug-and-play installation, automatic customization and instant Shopify personalization, including upsell and cross-sell, from the first click.

Personalized marketing and transactional emails

Boost sales by using LimeSpot data to populate marketing and transactional emails with 1:1 product recommendations and dynamic content per recipient

Dynamic Pricing on Product Bundles

Increase average order value by offering personalized discounts on product bundles per audienceon your website

Phone with emails

We’ve always had a great Product Page conversion rate, but when customers interact with LimeSpot’s recommendations blocks we see a jump of up to 14.5%, a huge lift for something that’s so easy to install and implement.

Nudestix logo

- Adam Bschero, VP Digital at Beekman 1802

Personalize Your Customer Journeys

Phone with emails

Real-time Audience Segmentation

Segment each visitor on your site and elevate site relevance across all LimeSpot products, including Bundle Discounts, Product Recommendations and more

Sync your Audiences with Google

Boost your Google Ads Campaign Performance by precisely selecting your target audience and content across various campaign types, including Search, Shopping, YouTube, and more

A/b/n test and optimization

Learn from concurrent A/b/n tests and the real-time analytics of each scenario. Then optimize your online store performance scientifically according to your unique customer journeys.