Supporting transactional and campaign emails

Increase Average Order Value
Automatic upsells and subscription offers on checkout, post-purchase, thank-you and order status pages

A/B test and optimize email campaigns

Full Customization Control
Tailor the upsells, discounts and subscription options to improve the purchase journey experience and boost conversions

Smart data-driven recommendations

Smart Marketing Tools
Create excitement with countdown timers and tier-based discounts that incentivize shoppers to buy more

Supercharge your Purchase Experience

Boost the performance of you checkout, thank-you and order status pages with highly-customizable features:

  • Product Recommendations: Targeted automatic 1-click upsell offers
  • Line Item Recommendations: Product and subscription suggestions, personalized based on order items
  • Line Item Editor: Order edit option on Checkout page
  • Free Shipping Bar: Highlight free shipping to incentivize additional purchases
Phone with emails

Post-purchase Powerhouse

Phone with emails

Make the most of your customers by leveraging data-driven high-performance post-purchase strategies:

  • Tiered Discounts: Personalized product recommendations with attractive discounts
  • Subscription Offers: Seamlessly show subscription offers to convert one-time purchases into recurring ones
  • Buy More, Save More: Motivate larger purchases with discounts

Build Trust and Enhance Customer Satisfaction

Strengthen customer confidence and satisfaction with essential trust-building elements:

  • Trust Badges: Highlight secure transactions to reassure shoppers
  • Payment icons: Display accepted payment methods prominently.
  • Customer testimonials: Showcase real reviews to build credibility
  • Banner: Use attention-grabbing banners to communicate key messages
Phone with emails


Improve AOV & recurring revenue with personalized recommendations, tiered discounts & subscriptions

Special Introductory Pricing

Install by December 1st, 2024 & Enjoy 75% Off for 3 Months!

Ready to Boost Sales & Customer Loyalty?

Maximize conversions, increase AOV, and cultivate a loyal customer base with the all-in-one LimeSpot Checkout app.

Start 15-day Free Trial